Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Count me in, Andy.

But that's not going to make this go away.

Somebody's going to have to answer for those lives, Andy.  And that somebody ain't Trump.

UPDATE: Winning friends and influencing people.

UPDATE: Andy loses Megyn Kelly.


  1. Cuomo is playing the political version of what people much smarter than I have described as "clown nose on, clown nose off" Jon Stewart-esque commentary, if that makes any sense.

    When the heat gets too high, his reaction is "how dare you pin this on me, this is an American problem."

    Unfortunately, many people in NY are like the ones here. They buy it. Ugh.

  2. Cuomo's latest ploy is to say that it was the responsibility of the nursing homes to decline to take COVID patients. Sure, in the face of this order and the implied loss of business license if they refused. He won't take responsibility for what he and his administration did.

    I have to say that statistics on nursing home deaths around the country tell me that many of these facilities are woefully unready for infectious disease control. No wonder so many old people die of pneumonia following flu every year. If they're in nursing homes, they're sitting ducks.

  3. Pneumonia is probably what eventually ended up taking my mom. She was dealing with Alzheimer's and I don't blame the facility for it. That's usually what happens with Alzheimer's. Something else ends up getting you.

  4. Yeah, I've got a thing about nursing homes.

  5. I understand that - my grandmother (who is in her early-mid 90's) had pneumonia in March right around the time the defecation hit the oscillation. My aunt refused to put her in a rehab/nursing home after hospital discharge. Call it intuition, but it was the right decision.

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention. It was in Pennsylvania.

  6. My dad died of pneumonia and a reaction to the antibiotic used to treat it. He had advanced Parkinson's disease. I don't blame the nursing facility. Like Alzheimer's, you don't die of the underlying condition; you die of the organ failure or malfunction connected to the condition.

    Just saw a spot on Fox Business about a nursing home in Tennessee with no COVID cases. The owner locked it down in February. No visitors allowed, and all staff were carefully fever-tested and required to wear masks and gloves. I thought somehow that ALL nursing homes would be this careful. It seems not to be the case.
