Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Or Trump Derangement Rabies?  It's from Kathy Griffin so LANGUAGE WARNING.

UPDATE: As of this update (1:41 PM Central Standard Time), the first tweet has been pulled but the second one's still there.  Didn't screen cap 'em because of the F bombs; I don't know if Twitter pulled it or whatever the hell that is decided that he/she/it really didn't want to have to explain his/her/its whimsical sense of humor to the FBI or the Secret Service.  But the second tweet sufficiently explains the first.


  1. It is all gone now. Gotta cover up the Left's problems while hiding the truth by censorship.

  2. (2:42 PM) I'm still getting the second one in which he/she/it basically cops to all of it. Not that it matters since I don't think he/she/it will ever get what he/she/it wants more than anything in the world. A visit from the FBI/Secret Service that he/she/it can brag about to his/her/its anti-Trump friends for the rest of his/her/its life.

  3. And I've screencapped #2 so if you want to see it, let me know.
