Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Politico joins the Beijing Stenographers Guild news service.

As coronavirus has spread outward from its Wuhan origins, the Chinese government has worked hard to spin an initial embarrassment into a win for its international image, with mixed success. But to Chinese authorities, the audience at home is the one that really matters, and among that vast cohort, the verdict is unsparing: China has outperformed, while America has disastrously faltered. It’s a sentiment shared by even educated, internationalized Chinese observers — the very group once inclined to look to America as an exemplar.

It's really sad that Politico is stupid enough to think that "Chinese opinion" is newsworthy in any respect whatsoever since everybody with a functioning brain already knows exactly what it's going to be in every situation; I mean, Politico does know how dissidents from the official Chinese line are regularly treated, doesn't it?  Disappearances?  Concentration camps?



  1. I can't even call these people naive any more. This is deliberately overlooking the nature of the regime.

    In related news, there's been a spate of Russian medical dissidents "falling out of windows."

  2. Even if it's true that the Chinese public believes this, so what? They're marinating in Communist propaganda 24/7. In 1945, many German people still believed that there was some miracle weapon being kept in reserve that would throw the Allies back across the Rhine. And the Japanese were being told daily that their heroic air force was obliterating American ships. Are we supposed to admire the flawless lie machine of the Chinese politburo?
