Sunday, May 31, 2020


Joe Biden voters set church on fire.

UPDATE:  I've got a couple of way better ideas, Erick.  Let local officials do their jobs.  And let jellyfish like you grow a freaking spine.  Good Lord, Erick.

UPDATE:  Mags?  Is there any conceivable chance you could make some kind of effort to understand how this country works?  I get that the Times doesn't expect a whole lot these days but, you know, at some point, dumbass bloggers are going to ask questions.

UPDATE: Here's another federalism lesson, Mags.

UPDATE: My late father fought in World War II.  China-Burma-India theater.  He flew the Hump meaning that he flew supplies into western China (you're welcome, Beijing, for my not having to render that in Japanese).  And if you seriously want to compare my father to a bunch of assholes who looted a Target because they can't find gainful employment, just know that my dad could have kicked all your asses and not even have been winded.

Pardon the language.  But this shit just got personal.



  1. My parents were married in that church, Dad being stationed at the Pentagon in the spring of 1945. At that time, it was still a Christian church.

    So here's the result of TEC pandering to radicals. Bishop Curry issued a statement about the way of love, or something, and how Episcopalians need to be Good Samaritans. This, after St. John the Divine, in New York, declined to have Samaritan's Purse minister to the sick in the church. He sees police brutality and racism everywhere, but not, evidently, common decency and love of neighbor.

    Liberals believe in feeding the alligators, hoping they'll be the last to be eaten.

  2. This is a tragedy, and I can't help but be cynical through all this, as in this is a Defcon-2 level attempt to force the Feds to bail out blue cities/states. Lockdowns were a Defcon-3 or 4 attempt at the same. It didn't work.


    Adding insult to injury are the jerks who rationalize the damage in the name of "well, they're insured." Most insurance policies don't have coverage for riots and other civil unrest.

  3. Erick Erickson has been made to care. It's unfortunate. He used to be one of the good ones.

    As for Maggie H., if she'd put down Howard Zinn for a minute, she'd know. But alas, she got her civics from the back of a comic book.

  4. This is the Democratic Party. The dithering nincompoopery of Democratic politicians is an extension in the practical realm of the dispositions of their committed partisans, who themselves do not have the tools to articulate a stance against riot, much less the skills to implement one.
