Tuesday, May 5, 2020


To me, the only thing this "says about America" is that your party got so mind-bendingly far away from America (remember "deplorables," Ben?  Political gaffes cannot get any more stupid than that) during the eight years of Barry's Personal Rule, you STILL don't know why HILLARY CLINTON LOST THE PRESIDENCY TO DONALD J. TRUMP. 

And if Trump is "profoundly unfit...for the job," what on Earth to you do with the fact that HILLARY CLINTON LOST THE PRESIDENCY TO DONALD J. TRUMP?

If I were you, I'd go kiss some Iranian ass or something.  That always makes you feel good.


  1. You mean this failed-writer campaign employee (placed in a supervisory position at the National Security Council), who, in turn, worked for a man with no executive experience, no identified expertise in any area of policy (after a dozen years sitting in legislatures), and no professional accomplishments (beyond persuading the University of Chicago to hire him - he was never required to stand for tenure or produce scholarly writings, and he didn't) is going to instruct us as to who is profoundly unfit.

    You know what? The Democratic Party is just a collecting pool of the most egregious people in America. Mr. Rhodes can improve public life by leaving it.

  2. I kind of like the old fraud though. Wouldn't be quite the same if Ben wasn't out there ripping President Trump, WHO WON THE PRESIDENCY BY DEFEATING HILLARY CLINTON, as well as the country and people who elected Trump PRESIDENT OVER HILLARY CLINTON and making excuses for pretty much every vicious totalitarian out there.

    That's Ben's thing and at least he's good at that.
