Sunday, May 3, 2020


Lisa Bloom explains why fat, old, drunken letch Ted Kennedy kept winning all those elections despite having literally killed a young woman.

UPDATE: There was a lot wrong with Ted for a very long time.  Here's a story about Ted's 1980 interview with Roger Mudd that destroyed Ted's presidential run before it began.


  1. Although Ted Kennedy was a drunken, philandering murderer, many people in Massachusetts voted for him because he had attained seniority in the senate and was able to wield a lot of power. Also, he did bring a lot of jobs to the state. Of course, every senior senator was the junior senator from some state at one time, but Ted rode into the senate on his brother's coat-tails. I don't know if he ever could have been elected on his own, especially if he had been going up against Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

  2. All of the uproar about the Kavanaugh allegations was fake. They didn't really care about women. It was all politics, all the time. We knew that from Ted Kennedy's career, and we're seeing it again with Biden. (I don't mean to compare Biden's hands to Kennedy's negligent homicide.)
