Thursday, May 7, 2020


LA goes full Leninist.  Never EVER go full Leninist.

Oh well.  It'll be that much easier when Cali does decide to hit the bricks.


  1. Is housing the homeless in motels compassion or optics?

  2. Fr. Dale, news reports say authorities are delivering free alcohol and marijuana to homeless in motels in the Bay area. That'll really help the situation.

    In Ventura County, between LA and Santa Barbara, they're going to do massive contact tracing and quarantine positive cases, including removing people from their homes and holding them in central quarantine facilities until well. Um, civil rights aside, do they really think they can eliminate the virus from Ventura County, but no one will go to SB or LA?

  3. Gottfried Dietze, writing back in 1968, thought we would rue the day the Civil Rights Act was passed. Indiscriminately stripping vendors of their freedom of contract leads to travesties like this.

  4. Is housing the homeless in motels compassion or optics?

    It's just abuse. Hotels are commercial businesses, not philanthropies. As for shelters and soup kitchens, a few dozen small dormitories housing about 40 vagrants each could provide shelter for the entire vagrant population of a metropolitan region of ordinary size (think Omaha). This is a problem of modest dimensions, and one private charity actually can handle. The contribution local government can make is to help with security problems. No need for state or federal intervention at all.

  5. If I'm any kind of a Cali bidniss owner, if this thing is allowed to go through and if I have the resources to do it, every single one of my employees will get a memo the very next morning informing them that the company intends to leave California at the first opportunity, that they may or may not have jobs at the new location and that Gav will be delighted to answer any questions they might have or listen to any complaints.

    If I can't do that, they're going to be unemployed, that I can't and won't operate my business under those conditions and that, once again, Sacramento will happily deal with any problems that may result.

  6. The hotels and motels that are part of national chains have the resources to fight this, so I'm guessing LA will go after smaller motels.
