Thursday, May 21, 2020


It will be interesting to see whether Red China's "American news media" outlets end up being worth the money that Beijing shelled out (and continues to shell out) for them.

China is about to clamp down on Hong Kong with a controversial new law, a move expected to trigger more pro-democracy protests and possible retaliation from the US. Critics fear it could end or drastically curtail the unique political freedoms the city enjoys.
When China's parliament convenes Friday, it will pass a national security law to ban sedition, secession, and treason, reports the BBC. But the law is "tailor-made for Hong Kong," per the South China Morning Post. It would give authorities broad power to stop the type of anti-government protests that took place in Hong Kong last year.

Hong Kong.  The Chinese term for Sudetenland.

This could be "a turning point for (China's) freest and most international city, potentially triggering a revision of its special status in Washington and likely to spark more unrest," per Reuters. Beijing is essentially bypassing Hong Kong's own legislature on the issue.

Communist China bypassing somebody else's legislature?  Never saw that coming.  Maybe somebody should give Tibet a call.  Lhasa might have a thought or two. 

Know what's sad, "American news media?"  Anyone with a functional conscience knows that there is a great gulf fixed between how you should cover this story and how you will cover it.

Or, for all practical purposes, won't cover it at all.

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