Monday, June 15, 2020


Raise your hand if you thought this was still a thing.  I certainly didn't; I figured that the Episcopal Organization would have capped this guy ten years ago.

The dispute over Albany Bishop William Love’s prohibition of same-sex marriage in his diocese took a major step forward at a hearing on June 12, when The Episcopal Church laid out its charges of canonical violations against Love, whose counsel defended his actions as not conflicting with existing church canon law.

In this case, the church argued that, by prohibiting clergy in his diocese from using the same-sex marriage rites approved for church-wide use by General Convention, Love broke the vows he took when he was ordained a bishop to “conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The Episcopal Church.”


Cooney argued that, by directing his clergy to continue complying with a diocesan canon prohibiting participation in same-sex marriages, Love had violated General Convention Resolution B012, which stipulates that “provision will be made for all couples desiring to use these [same-sex] marriage liturgies in their local congregation.”

Cooney also noted that B012 contains a provision for bishops who are theologically opposed to same-sex marriage to have other bishops provide pastoral support to the couple and celebrant, if needed, and that Love also refused to do this.

So there basically is only one right answer and there always was.  Thanks for confirming it.

Knisely said that it may take several weeks for the panel to reach a decision in Love’s case. The panel can either dismiss the matter or issue an order, which could include suspending or deposing Love – essentially stripping him of his spiritual authority.

PLEASE do this.  It'll make the ACNA transition so much easier.


  1. I think this case's outcome is not in question. No one in ECUSA is allowed to oppose the anti-Christian trend of the organization. Just look at the responses from the local bishop and the presiding bishop when the US president held up a Bible in front of one of their churches which had been partially burned the day before. They reacted like vampires seeing a cross.

  2. During the English Civil War, one of the more notable Roundheads went by Put Your Faith in Christ and Flee Fornication Williams.

    I am thinking that nowadays that should rather be Put Your Faith in Christ and Flee The Episcopal Church.

  3. I just figured that everybody who was going to flee that pseudo-spiritual entity had done so already. Odd to see some of those people still around. I don't know why the Episcopalians bother. This guy will retire soon enough. They can wait this one out and make sure that his replacement understands TEO doctrine "correctly."

  4. This is about the last of the dioceses where pew-sitters have still been able to think it doesn't affect them, because their diocese is okay. Now, it won't be.

  5. Knisely should recuse himself. He was one of the co-authors of Resolution B012.
