Monday, June 29, 2020


My hometown seems to have become a thing.  I have no idea who those people are but this would appear to be as good a place as any to remind people that Missouri's state motto, Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto, is Latin for "What the hell are you looking at, punk?"

UPDATE: Meggie's in.

UPDATE: Shows you how clueless I am.  I thought the Central West End was basically Liberal Central in this town.

UPDATE: Kimmie's in.  Have fun with it.

UPDATE: Back on off, EuroTrash.

UPDATE: "St. Louis man" bitchslaps Fredo a little.

UPDATE: Seriously, CNN?  You honestly don't get what a joke Fredo's turned into?


  1. This wasn't "in public," as critics claim. They live on a private street with a gate which was closed and a "private property" sign clearly posted. The intruders broke down the gate and came onto this private property. Given the violence and arson which have been abroad in the land, this couple were well within their rights to feel threatened. If anyone is charged, it should be the intruders for trespassing.

  2. Scroll down at this link for the gate, and the "private property" sign, and think again about how "peaceful" these "protesters" were.

  3. This gets even more interesting. The couple in question are Democrats and lawyers for a victim of police brutality. Maybe this experience will be their "red pill" moment.

  4. Katherine, It's amazing how all their liberal sensibilities and anti-police virtue-signaling didn't amount to a fiddler's fart when confronted with actual BLM thugs.

  5. I dunno. The fact that these CWE lefties had guns to begin with is...telling.

  6. I think you're right, Chris. Apparently gun stores are swamped with customers, many of them first-time gun purchasers alarmed about the civil unrest and afraid of what would happen if the riots come to their homes. Will they keep voting with the anti-gun Democrats?

  7. Katherine,

    Re: "Will they keep voting with the anti-gun Democrats?"

    Fine for me, but not for thee.
