Thursday, July 16, 2020


Self-own of the year if not the decade.  New York Times columnist Bari Weiss recently resigned her position, along with a scathing letter.  I screen-capped this since if he's got a functional neuron left in his head, this moron should be pulling it soon.

Know what else Bari Weiss is?  A woman.


  1. That's the first thing that jumped out at me too......Duh, Bari is a woman. Kind of puts a damper on the dude's credibility right off the bat. Heh.

  2. I saw an interview with her on Joe Rogan. This is really the Woke devouring the Woke.However, I hope she sue the NYT for a hostile work environment. I think her letter is a preparatory move in that direction.

  3. Got that right, Elizabeth. If you screw that up, why should anyone trust anything you say about anything at all?

  4. As a friend of mine puts it, Weiss is in most respects a standard-issue Democrat from 1995, with adherence to some of the Revolution's newer precepts thrown in.

    What made her unpalatable to her woke co-workers were (1) her willingness to listen in good faith to those outside the bubble and (2) she's Jewish and not in the executive class of the paper.

    In many ways, her story is an old one: it's what always happens to Girondins and Mensheviks.
