Friday, July 10, 2020


CNN has a new faith-based electoral strategy for Joe Biden.  Episcopalianism.

“But here’s the thing. Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth,” the CNN host falsely claimed. “So why are we deifying the Founders of this country? Many of whom owned slaves.”

Mike Curry?   Considering the total Biblical ignorance on display here, I'd say that TEO has a perfect bishop candidate if Lemon ever gets tired of whatever it is that CNN does these days.


  1. It was the "admittedly" that made this especially ignorant. Admitted by Christ himself? Nope. Lemon clearly hasn't read the Gospels or been properly catechized. Which, I have to agree, Chris, applies to large numbers of Episcopalians (and these days, Lutherans, Presbys, Methodists, and even Catholics).

    And who is "deifying" the Founding Fathers? They were, indeed, imperfect, like everyone else but Jesus. Their imperfections don't invalidate the foundation of the country and its steady movement towards a more perfect implementation of their vision.

  2. And Fredo the "practicing Catholic" nodded along.

    Watching idiots talk would be fine if they stayed in their lane. But inevitably, Dunning-Kruger forces them to talk about things I care about.

  3. I didn't know anything about Lemon, since I don't watch CNN. His Wikipedia page says nothing at all about any religious affiliation or upbringing. He's a self-identified gay, and reports having been sexually abused by a neighbor when he was small. I'm guessing all he knows about Christianity is what he heard second-hand in his Louisiana childhood. People with no training often adopt a set of beliefs from their current culture -- in his case, left-wing and LGBTQ.

  4. So, Chris, I see the St. Louis City attorney got a warrant and seized the rifle from the homeowner who used it to defend himself on private property, per Missouri law. Does she realize these are two criminal defense attorneys? Does she understand the size of the lawsuit headed her way?

  5. I'll get the popcorn. That should all kinds of fun. :-)
