Friday, July 3, 2020


Nothing is.  Jim Treacher on the death of the "R" word.

In the six weeks since a multiracial group of Minnesota cops killed George Floyd, America has learned all sorts of things about what caused the crime. It wasn’t just those cops’ fault, you see. It wasn’t just the responsibility of the city of Minneapolis or even the state of Minnesota. As it turns out, every white person in the world is responsible for Floyd’s death. That’s why we now need to tear down any statue of any historical figure who was Caucasian, even the guy who signed the Emancipation Proclamation. That’s why any white person who voices a black character on a cartoon show needs to step aside now. That’s why we need to expunge that episode of The Golden Girls where they wore mud masks and the dumb one said, “We’re not really black.” All of those things are racist. All of those things made those cops kill that guy.

And we’re just getting started. Everything that white people enjoy is racist, because they’re white people. Even going to national parks is racist now, because most of the people who go to national parks are white.

Did you get all that? It’s racist to go to national parks, even though you’re not keeping anybody else from going there. It’s “self-segregation,” even though the parks are open to anyone who wants to go. And if you’re a white person, it’s your fault if people of color don’t want to go to the parks, especially if you’ve never done anything to hurt anybody. None of the black people interviewed by ABC News can point to any specific instance of racism, which is what’s so nefarious about white people. There’s nothing more racist than not being a racist.


  1. I clicked on the ABC "report," and I think it said 77% of people visiting national parks are white, which sounds fairly consistent with their presence in the population. If 12%-13% of visitors were black, which the article doesn't say, that would also be in line with population data. So in the first place the article is stupid. In the second place, so what? Do more black kids than white kids go to basketball camps (when they're permitted to have them)? So what? Do more Latinos play soccer than non-Latino whites? So what?

  2. The concentration of fentanyl in George Floyd's femoral blood was 11 nanograms per cc. That's a mid-range blood level for those who die of opioid intoxication. The person who killed George Floyd was George Floyd.
