Monday, July 13, 2020


The current over/under on the first time we see one of these kinds of "weddings" in an Episcopal Organization outlet is five years.  Right now, I'm taking the under.

A Massachusetts city known for its progressive politics has made history by reportedly becoming the first municipality in America to recognize domestic partnerships involving multiple spouses.

According to officials, Somerville, a city of about 80,000, has roughly two dozen polyamorous households. The new law, signed by Mayor Joseph Curtatone, allows them to collectively purchase a home together, as well as share health benefits.

Tell you one thing, GenCons should be fun again.  Can't wait for some PiskieBish to puke up the "theology" for all this.   Apart from the usual emanations and penumbra Episcopalians think they see whenever they open a Bible or the ever-popular "Jesus never said anything about it," I really don't see how they could possibly justify this.  And if TEO actually pulled this trigger, I don't see how the Anglican Communion can possibly justify any continued association with the American money, I mean, the Americans.

Of course, I couldn't see it last time either so there's that.

Live into.


  1. FWIW, Somerville is known locally as "Slummerville." This won't help dispel that moniker.

  2. Anybody for a office pool naming the date TEC adds rites for polygamous marriages?

    Not that long ago that the episcopacy were all agog that gay relationships were monogamous. Course, they ignored seriality, but must of them have similar habits. So, Bish, that's your third wife? Oh, well.
