Monday, July 6, 2020


Damned lucrative ones.  I don't see this working out well, Hahvud.

50 grand for a "prestigious" name on a piece of paper?  Right.


  1. To be admitted to and to get a sheet of paper from Hahvahd are all the credentials one need in order to be part of the new ruling class after the cultural revolution.

  2. Yes, it's an admission ticket into the ruling class.

  3. It's not just the ~$50,000 per year tuition. Prior to that most of the parents have shelled out $25-30,000 per year for 4 or more years at one of the better-known "Independent" schools, i.e. private schools. The exception to this is a black student who's a star athlete and who also plays the piano and the violin. Because, you know, diversity.

  4. I forgot. Muslims from some God-forsaken shithole country have been the flavor of the month for some time now. Then they use their expensive education to hate on America.

  5. TLM, my Vietnamese immigrant neighbor is angry about Harvard's anti-Asian bias, which may prevent his high-achieving daughters being admitted there.

  6. Katherine,

    Except for the entrée to high-paying jobs in either government, academia, or the financial world, the Harvard diploma is hardly worth the four years of leftist indoctrination. There'd also be the not so-thinly veiled discrimination.

    Suggest to your neighbor that some of the other big-name schools can confer many of the same advantages, without the anti-Asian bias. Actually many of the second-tier schools might be a better value. My husband's clerk, Ching Lee, had a daughter that got a full-boat scholarship at BU.

  7. Yes, TLM, I have suggested to my friend Thi that his daughters might be better off NOT going to Harvard. He is a conservative voter, and so he will look at this rationally. The older girl has five years before college.

  8. Katherine,

    If your state university has a school of pharmacy or a veterinary school, those are really good career choices.
