Saturday, July 18, 2020


If this were a rational world, this guy would be police chief of Portland, Oregon.  As it is, he's probably going to somehow lose his job although he'll have no end of job offers.

A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

Officer Jackson finds it ironic that “if you’re at a Black Lives Matter protest you have more minorities on the police side than you do in a violent crowd.”

He says the rioters scream racist things at black officers and accuse him of “hurting my community” because he’s a cop.

1 comment:

  1. He calls out the emperor without clothes...while all in the media turn their heads. God bless him. If he does get fired I hope my Texas city hires a captain.
