Sunday, July 19, 2020


Carbs are bad.  Except when they're not.

Eating protein from plant-based foods, including pasta and bread, has been linked to a lower risk of dying.

In a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers looked at data on 416,104 men and women taken from a U.S. National Institutes of Health–AARP study on diet and health from between 1995 to 2011. They answered questions about their demographic, lifestyle and diet at the start of the study, and were followed-up after 16 years.

Eating plant protein was linked with a lower chance of dying overall and from cardiovascular disease. The association was particularly strong when plant proteins from foods such as bread, cereal and pasta were eaten in favour of that from meat and eggs.

Past studies have shown that diets high in protein can aid weight and fat loss, perhaps because these foods help people to feel fuller for longer and use up more energy, the authors said. Substitution of some carbohydrates for proteins has also been linked to better cardiovascular measures such as blood pressure, as well as fat and sugar levels in the blood.


  1. "...linked to a lower risk of dying" !??? I thought we all faced the same risk of dying, 100%.

  2. This contradicts recent research that I've seen. This is an observational study, with self-reported data, remembered by participants, which may or may not be valid, and without control for other dietary and behavioral variables.

  3. Yeah, well, alls I know is BRAUNSCHWEIGER SAMMIES FOR BREAKFAST!!. ;-)
