Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Kim Gardner may have been a bad girl.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the controversial prosecutor who has selectively enforced the laws she prefers, has become the darling of the progressive left. She was elected in 2016 as a reform candidate after the Black Lives Matter movement was born in the wake of the Ferguson riots. Now, an explosive new report says Kim Gardner has taken many lavish trips on the dime of Soros-backed organizations, and may have broken the law by not reporting them.

A News 4 investigation has found that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has been flying all around the country and the globe with organizations who want to reform the criminal justice system.

However, it appears she has violated the law, by not reporting the trips.

Sources tell News 4 Gardner is a frequent flyer. At times during her tenure as prosecutor, sources say, she has often been gone from her office a couple of times every month, jetting around on someone else’s dime.

Social media snaps show Gardner posing for pictures in Portugal, listening to conversations in New Haven, Connecticut, smiling with other prosecutors in Houston and linking arms in Selma, Alabama.

They are trips she apparently took in 2018 and 2019, but did not disclose on travel reports, as required by law.

Sources tell News 4 that some of the trips were paid for in full, or in part, by an organization called Fair and Just Prosecution, a group that professes to support progressive prosecutors. The organization has repeatedly applauded many of Gardner’s actions, including the charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey for brandishing guns in the Central West End last month.

Further details as they become available.  Thanks for the heads-up, Katherine.


  1. My impression is that Gardner owes her election to Soros-connected money. These junkets are more of the same.

  2. OT, but I am reading that John Brennan is learning the hazards of playing with matches. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/john-brennan-blocked-from-accessing-classified-information

  3. Thanks for the link, Rebel. So, poor old Brennan can't access his CIA notes for his book. Sad.
