Thursday, July 30, 2020


Yet another St. Louis-area prosecutor is in trouble.  This time with the left.

Activists were quick to denounce Democratic St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell after he announced Thursday that he would not bring charges against Darren Wilson.

Bell, the county’s first black prosecutor, ran on a progressive platform of criminal justice reform and many expected him to charge Wilson, a former Ferguson police officer, for shooting and killing Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.

After five months of review, however, Bell announced that he had not found enough evidence to bring charges against Wilson. “I can’t ethically charge him,” Bell said. “It would violate the ethical standards of my profession.”

Enjoy all those home visits you're going to get from all those pissed-off lefties, Wes.  But you know who else came to the same conclusion Wes did?

Former President Barack Obama’s Justice Department, under former Attorney General Eric Holder, investigated the case and did not find enough evidence to bring charges.

Damn.  I don't think there's enough microwave popcorn in this entire state.


  1. The autopsy reports, including the one the family commissioned from hearse-chase Michael Baden, corroborated Wilson's account. All of the bullet wounds in Michael Brown entered his body from the front. One was a wound to the hand he received when he tried to take Wilson's duty gun away, two were wounds in the arm received as he was running toward Wilson, one was a wound in the deltoid received as he was running toward Wilson, and one was the head shot which killed him.

    It's not difficult to avoid being shot to death by a police officer in like circumstances. Follow lawful instructions when you're told to quit sauntering down the middle of the road in lieu of using the sidewalk, don't try to take his duty gun away, stop running when you're told to, don't charge the officer, and when you get three bullets in you in non-lethal location, take the hint and stop charging.

    The actual objection here from black chauvinists was that a deplorable (Darren Wilson) was telling local aristocrats (Brown and Johnson) what to do. The Marquis de Saint-Evreymonde will take your cigarillos and saunter down the middle of the road whenever he cares to. What bothers gentry liberals is that their designated clients were subject to insolence by the peasant Wilson. What Steve Sailer said: "Black Lives Matter" means something akin to "Black Impunity".

  2. Good for Bell. An honest prosecutor, with ethical standards. What a concept!
