Sunday, August 23, 2020


If your psychotic hatred of a US president makes you believe that publicly and savagely criticizing the guy's wife over a garden doesn't make you look like a blithering idiot.  Admit it, Howie.  You don't really mean a word of it; you're just flailing for reasons to rip the guy.  If Michelle Obama had redesigned the Rose Garden in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY, you'd be swooning over it and calling her a national treasure or something.

There's a reason (well, lots of them) why nobody respects your "profession" anymore, Howie.

1 comment:

  1. I last remember reading something by Fineman during Jon Meacham's witless attempt to turn the residue of Newsweek into an opinion magazine. I remember it because he went on a stupid rant contra Sarah Palin, enumerating all the ways she was worse than Richard Nixon. Nixon had a mess of defenders who'd worked for him and were patient with him, and they'd admit in public fora quire readily that the man was a challenge (emotional rants, sending nutty memos to people). There's no indication working for Sarah Palin has this quality and Sarah Palin isn't supervising a mess of people who committed a mess of felonies. What gets you about these people is that they're handsomely paid and they're utter mediocrities at the same time.
