Saturday, August 15, 2020


Apparently this is a thing now.

Seems Donald Trump is gutting the Postal Service so he can win the election in November.  You know, because of THE PANDEMIC, nobody's going to want to go out to a polling place but everyone's going to want to mail in their votes instead.  Or something.  There have been pictures of mailboxes being hauled away in trucks and people pretending to be all alarmed and stuff.

But it got me to thinking.  I can't remember the last time I used a mailbox for anything.  Used to use them all the time when I was a kid.  There was one within easy walking distance of my house that I patronized on a regular basis.  But I just stopped using them.  I can't remember the last thing I had to mail to someone.

I don't pay my rent or my bills through the mail anymore.  I don't have to.  I have apps on my phone that instantly take care of that stuff (I don't even want to think about it if anything ever happened to that phone.  My whole life is in that thing).  I couldn't tell you the last thing I wrote a check for; I'm not even sure I can still do it right.

And these days, I rarely use cash for anything except the laundry.

I suppose there are security protocols that could be put in place to allow online voting at some point down the road.  But we're not there yet.  So if you want to make sure your vote counts, here's an idea.  Wear a mask, find out where your polling place is and vote there.

Then go home.


  1. If, as is being reported, the Postal Union has endorsed Biden. It might be a real good idea not to mail in a ballot. Who knows what may become of ballots from known red state areas.

    About the post boxes & mail sorting machines: It seems that most post office business these days is delivering packages (thank you, Amazon) or sales flyers. What with email, text & on-line commerce, the need for first class mail is greatly reduced. Not that that makes any impression on an hysterical Democrat.

  2. Except for elderly members of my husband's lodge, who mail in their dues checks, we rarely get actual mail. Most of the stuff we get in the mailbox goes right into the bucket.

    The postal service has been political for decades. Maybe these postal workers need to get jobs driving Amazon or UPS trucks. Or. Learn. To. Code.

  3. 1) I've known of mailboxes that were targets for arsonists. Perhaps we should look at what neighborhoods these boxes are being removed from and what activity has been going on there.

    2) The one action that postal unions can NEVER bring back a fired employee from is any sort of tampering with mail. There used to be one-way windows near the ceilings of postal facilities, I imagine cameras are now in common use.

    3)I acknowledge that employees can attempt malfeasance anyway but I can also assure that there are a good percentage of conservative employees who have smart phones like everyone else. Any mis-handling of mail will have to be performed pretty surreptitiously.

    4) It's still a STUPID way to vote; mailed votes, including absentee ballots, are counted LAST.

  4. The Post Office has been ill-run for decades, long before Trump.

    They keep trying, don't they, as one conspiracy theory after another goes down.
