Saturday, August 1, 2020


Avoid Seattle, Washington for the foreseeable future.

Well, it may be time to deploy the military to Seattle after all because what local lawmakers are doing is nothing short of allowing the city to be engulfed in violence and anarchy. They’re moving to abolish the police. It’s not defunding. It’s a total dissolution. Non-profit programs and “community-led activities” will replace policing. Why? Well, according to the resolution, the Seattle Police Department perpetuates racism and violence. Oh, yes, and it’s a vehicle of white supremacy. It's typical 'woke' nonsense, and it's a cancer that's killing America.


  1. Best two comments, so far:

    "Maybe we can trick Canada into buying Seattle for $50.00 before it burns down and is totally worthless."

    "$24.00 and some beads should do it."

  2. So, we can expect no murders in Seattle from this time forward, right? Just ask people to be "nice" and they will be.

  3. Steve Sailer's assessment of this lunacy is spot on. The police tend to be fairly sensible, practical, and conservative, so an impediment to woke nonsense (exposing hate hoaxes as hoaxes, for example). They figure they can replace professional police with woke militias who will act as their muscle.
