Monday, August 17, 2020


Dave French is Gravely Concerned again.

I don't know, Dave.  How about you finally confront the voice from Scripture that says "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" and admit that you object to Donald Trump because you find him personally distasteful and for NO OTHER REASON.

Pretentious jackass.

UPDATE: Let's just cut the crap, shall we, Dave?


  1. The tragedy of David French is that there is much that is admirable about him:
    he has a faculty with the pen, has defended Christians via the legal systems and has adopted children.

    But dear Lord, his need to be the Twitter Hall Monitor for American Christians is sending him into a self-parody spiral. It's easy to engage with the worst caricatures of conservative Christianity. There are too many who are happy to play strawman.

    However, his deliberate refusal to see what the left has in store for us, and his own rather blinkered faith in processes, are fatal flaws.

  2. However, his deliberate refusal to see what the left has in store for us, and his own rather blinkered faith in processes, are fatal flaws.

    Susan Collins is in serious danger of being blown out of office consequent to vigorous organizing and fundraising by partisan Democrats who are enraged she was skeptical of the accusations of a woman who (with the labor of the minions of Jeff Bezos and AG Sulzberger at her beck and call) cannot provide any evidence that she ever met the men she was accusing (36 years after the supposed incident). A faith in processes assumes people care what the truth is. Partisan Democrats spew political commentary on our Facebook wall every day. Not one of them has ever been willing to say, in plain terms, that Christine Blasey Ford is full of it.

    David French doesn't have any excuses, here. He's too obtuse to matter.

  3. Seems to me the Puritan objections to Trump's private life are pointless given the photos we've all seen of Biden invading girls' and women's personal space, and now the allegations that he was playing around with Jill before his first wife died.

  4. and now the allegations that he was playing around with Jill before his first wife died.

    Can we add a credible charge that he digitally raped a member of his staff? In contradistiction to Christine Blasey Fraud, his accuser worked for him and there is satisfactory evidence of a real-time complaint in regard to his conduct.

    NB, David French is the man who blames an amorphous body of culturally starboard people because some alt-right types sent insulting communications to his wife.
