Thursday, August 27, 2020


I grew up with one so I used to want to see another NBA team in this town.  I don't anymore.

It's like I've always said.  I've never seen the sense in paying for Episcopal sermons when I can go to a nearby Episcopal Organization outlet and see one for free whenever the mood strikes me.

UPDATE: Sigh.  At least I've still got MU.


  1. A defender of Kenesaw Mountain Landis noted that in 1920, the most popular spectator sports in the US were baseball and boxing. He credited Landis merciless enforcement of rules with keeping baseball clean and appealing to the public, while boxing sank under the weight of its corruption. I'd be pleased if people were watching baseball, golf, tennis, hockey, soccer, motor sports, horse racing, track and field and other Olympic sports, &c and the NFL and NBA sank into the zone currently occupied by boxing.

    Another thing which would be agreeable would be to have a proper set of commercial farm teams for any lucrative sport and quit colonizing collegiate sports for that function. If private parties wish to endow athletic scholarships, that's fine, but the share of an institution's general revenue which should be devoted to that endeavour should equal 0%.

  2. Know something, Arthur? It's absolutely amazing to me how little I care about pro sports these days. The NFL gave me a reason not to care about it long before all this THE CHINESE FLU IS THE WORST DISEASE SINCE THE BLACK DEATH ITSELF hysteria got started, effing over my home town twice. I know they're never coming back here so go Battle Hawks. And the Cardinals? Whatever. I was never all that much of a baseball fan unless they were winning. I still like the Blues though. Their story was compelling last year seeing as how I pre-exist them. I still can't get over that.

    As for the rest of it? Whatever.

  3. I wonder how many of these athletes realize they are busy killing the golden goose.

  4. That they are, Katherine. I'll pull for whatever they put in front of me. Don't really care what it is anymore. Which I guess is nice, life perspective and all that. But I have a feeling that when all this starts sorting itself out, my home town may just have another chance or two at the NFL, the NBA or other leagues. Just hope these clubs are ready for all the candy they won't be getting from us.
