Monday, September 24, 2018


If the Democrat Party ever completely takes over the national government, I have a perfect candidate to head up the secret police.

Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) doubled-down today on her refusal to extend, or deem extended, the presumption of innocence to Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the matters of sexual assault with which he has been accused, most prominently by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Hirono refused to say that Kavanaugh deserves the same presumption of innocence as anyone else Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper, who pressed hard on the question.

“Look, we’re not in a court of law, we’re actually in a court of credibility at this point,” said Hirono. “Without having the FBI report or some semblance of trying to get corroboration, we are left with the credibility of the two witnesses.”

As guilty as Mazerooski needs him to be.

UPDATE: Mazerooski finds her deputy.

UPDATE: And her secreter...ERRRRR, executive assistant.

1 comment:

  1. So, Hirono, Coons, and Blumenthal don't believe in the American tradition of justice in which the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Good to know that's what Democrats believe. They might want to remember the French Revolution, though, and how little time it took for those leaders to lose their heads.

    And reports are that Murkowski (allegedly R, Alaska) is joining the group.
