Monday, September 24, 2018


This should be interesting.  Seems that during his upcoming visit to a fraudulent international organization, the fake head of a fictional country will announce his support for the Republicans in the fall election.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will hold a meeting in New York on Wednesday with senior officials representing 40 countries and international organizations to discuss ways to block or influence the upcoming U.S. Middle East peace plan, Israeli officials and Western diplomats told me.

This is Abbas' most proactive diplomatic step since Trump's Jerusalem embassy announcement, which led him to cut ties with the White House. Since then, Abbas has been campaigning against the Trump administration's policies on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Abbas is trying to rally the international community against Trump and challenge the White House claims that he's undermining a potential peace process.

The Palestinians wrote that preserving the two-state solution is one of the basic principles that should be supported by all those who reject Trump's policies that undermine world order.

The ads write themselves.

1 comment:

  1. In Abbas's view, the "world order" includes having America pay to support "Palestinians" in perpetuity. No thanks.
