Sunday, September 30, 2018


In case you ever need an illustration of the term "non-starter."

Can we as a nation begin now to consider expanding the category of “veteran” to include the diplomats and the mediators, those working in conflict resolution, and activists dedicated to preventing wars and to bringing existing wars to diplomatic resolution once they have begun?

Unless your "safe space" regularly takes live fire, I'm going to have to say no.

What about the practitioners of non-violent resistance in the face of tyranny and oppression?

What about them?  Since it's next-to impossible to get blown up by an IED while spending entire days posting anti-Trump tweets, you're comparing apples to Gender Studies majors.

Individuals who stand up and put their lives on the line to defend our country from threats to our national security, as those in our nation’s military do, are true patriots and veterans.

That they are indeed.

But true patriots and veterans are also those who speak out, stand up, and put their lives on the line by actively advocating for justice, freedom, and liberty through peaceful means.

I'm not questioning anyone's patriotism.  I just think that the term "veteran" ought to be reserved for the people who have earned it, people who have lost family members, friends, limbs, the ability to walk, see or hear, mental health, etc., or who were ever in danger of any of that.  I have another term for people who merely want to make their comfortable lives seem far more dangerous than they actually are.

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