Saturday, September 29, 2018


This didn't take long.

"Dr. Ford's team is saying 'no' to a one-week deadline, as the president has ordered, and Senator Flake and others have promised to, and they're also saying no limit on scope."

Dear Republican Party,

You're being played.  Again.




  1. I wonder who exactly is coordinating the play between Team Ford & the Democrats on the committee. Too bad the press has no interest in finding out.

  2. Wait a minute - Are the Democrats requesting this, or is it just Team Ford? Methinks her team are just bystanders at this point.

  3. I don't think Team Ford has the option to say "no." Of course this comes from the Democrats in the Senate, but a maximum one-week investigation has been ordered by President Trump, and that's what the FBI will have to do, since they work for him, not for the Senate. Further, Sen. Hatch has written FBI Director Wray to tell him that the FBI must observe the President's timeline, and they must notify the White House and Senate of anyone who refuses to cooperate. If Ford refuses an FBI interview, that fact will become public. According to news reports, they've already been in touch with Ramirez, the woman with the flaky Yale dorm party story.
