Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Claire McCaskill is in WAY worse trouble than I thought.

Speaking exclusively to Fox News on Monday, vulnerable incumbent Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill dropped the names of two high-profile colleagues, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, when asked to identify the "crazy Democrats" from whom her campaign has distanced itself in recent days. McCaskill said she wouldn't call the two "crazy," but noted they had disagreements with each other.

"The crazy Democrats are people who walk in restaurants and scream in elected officials' faces," McCaskill told "Special Report" anchor Bret Baier. In recent weeks, progressive activists have hounded Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell as they ate dinner, as well as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

"We have a state senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump. That's a crazy Democrat," McCaskill continued, referring to state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who was censured for her comments last year. "I don't do those things. I am not somebody who thinks that we should ever be uncivil."


The fact that Claire's even talking to Fox News at all, never mind what she told them, indicates the toxicity of the national Democratic Party in Missouri.  In football terms, what this suggests is that Claire's losing the game by eight points, has the ball on her own half-yard line and has to go 99 and a half yards just have a chance to tie the game and go to overtime.

Her internals must be through the floor and still dropping.

UPDATE: How much trouble is Claire in?  A crazy Missouri Democrat is not a fan.

In a scathing series of tweets on Monday and Tuesday, Missouri Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal referred to McCaskill as “Dixie Claire,” described her as a “piece of sh_t,” compared her to a slave owner and accused “McCaskill and her racist democratic friends” of alienating the party’s base voters.

“Claire McCaskill is desperate. She’s a piece of sh_t. Instead of knowing why people of color are angered by this administration, she chooses to put us [and] our families in harm’s way,” Chappelle-Nadal wrote in a tweet on Monday.

“If my family is harmed, blame it on Claire McCaskill. She deserves to lose. She is not a Democrat,” the state senator added.

“Claire McCaskill and her racist democratic friends continue to alienate the base,” Chappelle-Nadal wrote in a Tuesday morning tweet. In another she referred to McCaskill as “Dixie Claire.”

When I was growing up, the Democrats ran this state, partly due to the lingering affects of the Civil War which lasted longer here than they did in the rest of the Confederacy.  They owned the General Assembly and while there were Republican congressmen here and there, these were usually gerrymandered down to a minimum.

I'll never forget the astonishment at the fact that Episcopal clergyman and Republican John Danforth won election as Missouri's attorney general.  But where are we now?

The Republicans control the General Assembly with a vice grip that I can't remember the Democrats ever having.  Missouri's governor is a popular Republican and if Claire loses, as I expect she will, both US senators from Missouri will be Republicans while the Democrats will be reduced to a congressional seat in St. Louis and one in Kansas City.

Sic transit Gloria and all that.

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