Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Maybe.  Claire McCaskill's a lot of things but one of the things Claire McCaskill isn't is stupid.  While Missouri has isolated pockets of radicalism here and there, this place ain't Cali and Claire can't win running as Kammi Harris.

Trump crushed it here two years ago so regardless of their personal views, every Show-Me Democrat's going to have to run way to the right of the national party if they want to have any chance of victory at all.  They can always tack back left after they win.

So off the top of my head, I'd say that this statement means that Claire's internal polls must be cratering.  Her base won't be enough, the St. Louis and Kansas City suburbs aren't as close as they need to be, she needs more conservative support and she's not getting it.


  1. Nice try, Claire. If voters think a Democrat is in favor of secure national borders, they haven't been paying attention.

  2. She's not Kammi Harris, she's Kalamata Harris
