Friday, October 26, 2018


Got a proposition for you, kitten.  Give us back Turtle Bay, I'm sure we could turn it into office space or something.  You know the Manhattan real estate market.

Officially move that whole excrement festival to Geneva or Brussels or Berlin or anywhere else you care to go.  Then follow it there.  FYI, this country won't be joining you.

The United States, whose taxpayers account for some $10 billion a year in contributions to the United Nations system, was criticized at a meeting in New York on Tuesday for being late with its payments, with Cuba leading the charge – and suggesting it should be paying more.

“We know full well who is responsible for the current critical financial situation of the organization,” Cuban Ambassador Anayansi Rodriguez told the General Assembly’s budget committee. It was “alarming,” she said, that the biggest debts to the U.N. were the responsibility of one country – the United States.

Rodriguez suggested the U.S. should be paying more than 22 percent of the regular budget, complaining that it had pressed for a reduction of the ceiling to 22 percent, down from 39.89 percent in 1946.

“It is also alarming that this same country talks about getting better returns on its investment in the United Nations,” she said. “This shows that it considers international peace and security, development and human rights, as a business.”

I know you Commies don't know anything about business.  Or international peace and security, development and human rights, for that matter.  So here's a quick financial tip.  When you spend all of your time flushing your money down the toilet, nobody wants to listen to you bitch about how broke you always seem to be.

UPDATE:  Or you could move the whole sick joke to Frisco. You wouldn't be in a different country yet but most of us think that will soon be remedied.  But you'd be in Cali which means that you'd be among people just like you who think that there isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved with somebody else's money.

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