Friday, October 26, 2018


Know what NBC stands for?  Not Been Covering.

NBC News published a bombshell report Thursday that undercut claims made by Michael Avenatti and his client, Julie Swetnick, regarding Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The company is coming under fire in the wake of the report because the series of events its Thursday report described occurred three weeks ago, before the Senate voted on whether to confirm Kavanaugh. The conservative jurist was confirmed by a narrow 50-48 margin on Oct. 6.

NBC did not respond to requests for comment about why they withheld the story for so long.

We are told that reporters hate Trump's term "fake news" because it's "divisive" or something.  If that is, in fact, the case, then why have so many mainstream US "journalists" been working so incredibly hard lately to prove Trump's exact point?

For almost a month, NBC deliberately sat on information that could have and probably would have killed the Kavanaugh controversy deader than Cicero.  How can anyone possibly interpret that as anything other than open hostility to Trump and to most of the United States?

If it walks like a duck, Chuck Todd.  And you still wonder why Trump won.

Of course, none of this is a surprise to anyone with a functional brain.  Most of us watched for eight years as Barack Obama wasn't substantively covered at all.  But I guess "journalism" is hard when you spend all that time with your lips on the presidential junk.

He's our guy.  Don't rock the boat.

So don't expect me to get even remotely concerned about the utter contempt in which American "journalism's" practitioners are currently held.  You people have earned every bit of it.

And you, and only you, are the only ones who can fix it. 

Because we're not going to fix it for you. Makes me no never mind if we plow your whole profession under and start completely anew.

1 comment:

  1. Not at all surprising. The MSM have mostly been fake news for years. Trump is the first one to call them out publicly.
