Monday, October 15, 2018


Are you trying to lose?

A top spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party's effort to get Phil Bredesen elected senator has said he views "white male" gun owners as "the biggest terrorist organization on the planet."

Mark Brown is communications director for Tennessee Victory 2018, a project of the state Democratic party that's been working exclusively on electing Bredesen. The group is hosting Bredesen for a Johnson City meet-and-greet on Thursday afternoon.

Brown's extreme views on Republicans were showcased this summer by the Free Beacon, which identified numerous inflammatory posts on social media. In one post Brown wrote, for example, "F__k reaching out to Trump voters, The idiots aren't listening."

One comment missed in the Free Beacon‘s initial review came on Facebook in 2015, when Brown stated his belief that "white male ‘Murican gun nuts" are "the biggest terrorist organization on the planet."


  1. Mark Brown - you got any statistics to back up that claim? I can't find anything in the news papers about white male Murican gun nuts.

  2. That'll go over big in Johnson City. Lots of 'Murican white guys and the women who love them up there.

  3. My husband and I were so pleased that Trump stood firm on the Kavanaugh nomination that we celebrated last week by eating dinner in the Trump International when we visited Washington. Great dinner!
