Monday, October 15, 2018


What is because SNL hasn't been funny since the Fillmore Administration, Alex?
Matt Damon got a lot of laughs — but no votes.
It's hard to imagine a more comprehensive takedown of a political figure than the one Saturday Night Live executed on Brett Kavanaugh in its season premiere last month, at a time when the judge's fate seemed to be hanging in the balance.
Damon added several layers of ridicule to Kavanaugh's angry, aggressive testimony before the Senate, presenting him as a sputtering, sniffing, weeping, beer-loving caricature of judicial temperament. In light of the sexual assault accusations against him, which he has denied, the sketch included an especially devastating line: "I'm not backing down. . . I don't know the meaning of the word 'stop.'"
And then, a few hours before the dress rehearsal of the show's next episode, Kavanaugh was confirmed as a justice to the Supreme Court.

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