Thursday, October 11, 2018


Look at it this way.  At least these gals aren't speaking in tongues or prophesying or droning on and on and on and on and on about Jesus rising from the dead and how anyone who doesn't believe that craziness is going to Hell and stuff.  Because NOBODY needs religious weirdoes.


  1. Those who hold the half empty glass still find a way to see it as half full,

    "Of course, for some practitioners, a vital question remains: Why keep doing magic if it doesn’t necessarily work?

    Hughes, whose 'Bind Kavanaugh' ritual did not stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, said that rituals can work in different ways. Simply by galvanizing a despairing group of people to action, he said, a ritual can prove efficacious."

  2. These are the same people who laugh at Christians for praying.
