Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Don't look at me.  I just blog here.

Can researchers & practitioners stop saying 'natural' disasters?!There is nothing natural about disasters! It's a social construct

If you're interested, the person who wrote whatever the hell that is lives in the UK and is a lecturer in Sustainable and Resilient Urbanism.  Whatever the hell that is.

Remember.  That EF-5 tornado coming directly at you is NOT trying to hurt anyone.  It's just that smashing buildings, hurling cars five miles or ripping people into bite-sized chunks are the only ways it knows how to communicate with you. 

It wants to talk.  So make an effort to listen.

UPDATE: Seriously??

UPDATE: Apparently.  This tedious bore comes in.

1 comment:

  1. Combined with your post about Rick Scott, Florida governor, being criticized for enabling Hurricane Michael, you're proving that the left is clinically insane.
