Saturday, October 20, 2018


Ever since it crapped all over my home town a few years ago, I've made it a deliberate point to not give a damn about the NFL.  The Shield has basically killed the St. Louis market deader than Gilgamesh; we're making a huge push for an MLS team and if the XFL sets up here, I expect that it will do extremely well.

Since the Rams left, I've basically ignored the Super Bowl.  I don't care who's in it, I don't care who might get in it, and when it's on TV, I don't care about the celebrated commercials and I make it a point to watch whatever else happens to be on.  Old sitcoms, English soccer matches, documentaries, movies I've seen ten or more times, etc.

But I may have to rethink that stance.

Don’t look for Amy Schumer in any Super Bowl commercials this time around. She’s sitting this one out as she stands with Colin Kaepernick and his take-a-knee protest against racism and police brutality.

The comedian and “I Feel Pretty” actress explained her stance at length Friday on Instagram, challenging white NFL players to kneel as well. Addressing them directly, she wrote: “Otherwise how are you not complicit?”

“I personally told my reps I wouldn’t do a Super Bowl commercial this year,” Schumer wrote. “I know it must sound like a privilege ass sacrifice but it’s all I got.”

Ain't public piety inspiring?  And you have to by anyone who thinks she matters way more than she actually does.


  1. I haven't watched the Stupid Bowl in several years. Did Amy Schumer used to do commercials for the event?

  2. She did at least one. But Katherine, this means about as much as you and I publicly declaring that we weren't going to do Super Bowl commercials this year because of FILL IN THE BLANK. It's not like anybody asked us to or anything. 8-)

    Aw hell, I'm just going to go ahead and say it. Because of the Shield's treatment of my home town, I refuse to do any Super Bowl commercials this year. There, I am officially an "enlightened" and "virtuous" person. Something, something, white privilege, something, something.

    Call me next year.

  3. I am so out of pop culture that if I had to I couldn't come up with a single instance of having seen Amy Schumer do anything in entertainment or commercials. All I've seen is the pictures of her making a fool of herself in idiotic political protests. If she did a commercial, and I knew it was she, I'd be less likely to buy the product. :-)
