Saturday, October 20, 2018


Claire McCaskill REALLY didn't need this.

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband was accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife, and his company once victim-blamed a woman who sued for sexual misconduct, Fox News has learned. 

A graphic protection order once filed by Joseph Shepard's ex-wife even alleged he hit her, tripped her and "peed on" her.

Shepard, who married McCaskill in 2002, has come under increasing scrutiny amid media reports detailing his financial decisions and wealth-building while his wife was in office. He reportedly has received more than $131 million in federal subsidies since 2007, the year McCaskill became a U.S. senator, and also invested $1 million in a hedge fund in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven his wife wants to crack down on.

In a 2015 letter about sexual harassment, McCaskill wrote that “Victim-blaming in the context of sexual violence is as old as the crime itself” and that some “law enforcement officials sometimes unwilling to pursue justice because of the victim’s behavior prior to the crime.”

“’She was asking for it,’ is a sentence I have longed to see stripped from our cultural vocabulary,” she added. McCaskill also said multiple times that she believes women and their allegations of sexual misconduct.

In later years, accusations of misconduct were also leveled against his businesses. Sugar Creek Realty – a company founded and owned by Shepard – was sued in 2009 in federal court for sexual harassment, prompting a campaign by the firm’s lawyers against the accuser.

Kristin Glemser accused the company and her female boss there of sexual misconduct, including allegedly asking her put on already-worn underwear, following her into a restroom, unbuttoning her pants without her consent, taking pictures of her in underwear without her consent and forcing her to watch her female boss simulate a sex act with another woman.

Does this matter?  End of the day, probably not.  Claire's a Missouri Democrat and Democrats look after their own (see Chappaquidick).  Slap that label on yourself and there isn't much of anything that you won't be able to get away with.

The people who planned on voting for her will vote for her anyway even if Hubby had been photographed wearing a Nazi armband with his arm stuck out in front of him at a 45 degree angle.  Chappaquidick and all that.

So I seriously doubt this flips many votes, if any at all.


  1. Well, strictly speaking, she didn't do these things. He did. I suppose he's told her, if she knew about the ex-wife's charges, that she lied. Claire herself was divorced, so she may know that things get nasty in divorce cases. I think you're right, Chris; this won't change many votes.
