Monday, October 8, 2018


Here's how life works, big smacker.  If your side sets out to not only defeat my candidate but personally destroy his life by accusing him of the worst crime this side of pedophilia, and to do it with absolutely no proof whatsoever, then if my guy wins, the very LAST thing you have a right to expect from me is magnanimity. 

The second-to-last thing is "reaching out."

Kiss off.

The football-spiking after Kavanaugh was confirmed this weekend was one such example. There's always *some* of that after a big policy/electoral win, but there's also usually a fair amount of magnanimity and reaching out to the losing side. Not so this time.

1 comment:

  1. We're not seeing much in the way of magnanimity coming from the left. They're threatening to impeach Kavanaugh if they get the House. They're continuing to encourage attacks on Republicans in public and even where they live. They're saying the Supreme Court is now illegitimate. Who would want to reach out to these crazy people? Have them give us a call if they recover their sanity.
