Sunday, October 7, 2018


In case you're curious about what "strain out a gnat and swallow a camel" means.

The president of the Mormon church wants members, the media and others to use the faith's full name, saying nicknames are "a major victory for Satan."

Commence eye-rolling here.

Addressing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' twice-yearly conference Sunday in Salt Lake City, Russell M. Nelson says the church's name "is not negotiable."

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Nelson rejects what he calls "worldly arguments," including the benefits of internet "search engine optimization" with the word "Mormon."

If people use Mormon to describe the church or its members, Nelson urged adherents to "be courteous and patient" in their efforts to correct them.

Really, Russ?  Do you really want to push this foolishness?  You do know that the word "Christian" was originally an insult, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. They can call themselves whatever they want to. Doesn't bother me. They're not Nicene Christians, so as long as their chosen name doesn't imply that, then I say "whatever."
