Friday, October 19, 2018


Not seeing the problem here.

A school superintendent says kangaroo meat was mixed with beef in chili served to students at a junior/senior high school in the Nebraska Panhandle.

And Potter-Dix Public Schools Superintendent Mike Williams vows it won’t happen again.

He apologized for any anxiety the exotic ingredient may have caused.

I wouldn't mind trying this. I've made chilies with lots of exotic meats.  Bison, shark, Spam or whatever other animal musculature happened to be lying around the MCJ Building.

I mean to make myself a rattlesnake chili before I die.  Damn right, don't tread on me.  I'll bet that gator, beaver, bobcat, coyote or elk (or all of the above in one pot) chilies would be top shelf.  Maybe I'll also throw in a few of these things as well.  For seasoning or something.

What could be more American?

UPDATE: Well this sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Kangaroo meat is excellent - but very lean, so best grilled. I've had it many times in OZ.
