Friday, October 19, 2018


My senniner isn't as transparent as she'd like for Missourians to believe.

Journalist: What were you telling me last night about Planned Parenthood?

Starost: How they never- How they don't donate to Claire because they don't want to ostracize pro-life voters in Missouri.

Journalist: But they still somehow get us money?

Starost: They put it through, like, different organizations.

Journalist: Keep the Planned Parenthood name off the thing, but we still get the dough?

Starost: Yup. I love that stuff, man. It's f-ing beautiful.

This and other recent revelations about What Claire McCaskill Really Thinks aren't that big of a deal here in Missouri.  Intelligent Pukes figured Claire out a long time ago. If she'd come out and told us all this at the start, she wouldn't have won one term, never mind two.

Every six years, Claire remembers that Missouri agriculture is kind of important so out come the TV ads showing her pretending to listen to Show-Me farmers.  She's currently running an ad in which Republicans say nice things about how centrist she is and which also states that President Trump signed a couple pieces of legislation she supported.

Claire approved that message so I guess she managed to feign respect for the President.

It's what Claire McCaskill does and it's what Missouri Democrats have to do to get elected.  So all this wouldn't even be a blip on the Missouri political radar if, for reasons known only to her, Claire didn't just go out of her way to make it one.

JUST IN: Sen. Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) files complaint to AG Josh Hawley's office (@AGJoshHawley), advising the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate 'possbile felonies' committed by Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas).

David Kirby, McCaskill’s campaign manager, said in a conference call with reporters on Wednesday that there is reason to believe Project Veritas committed fraud that violated the state’s merchandising practices act.

Yeah I'll get right on that says Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley who, amazingly enough, has the exact same name as the guy Claire is currently running against.

Senator, accusing people of crimes is a serious thing. If you have evidence of a crime, please come forward with it immediately. Otherwise, please stop politicizing the legal process for your reelection. #MOsen

Legally, Claire's apparently full of it.

The Missouri Merchandising Practices Act makes it illegal to commit fraud "in connection with the sale or advertisement of any merchandise in trade or commerce or the solicitation of any funds for any charitable purpose."

Exactly what part of that did Project Veritas violate?

Sometimes my state rules.  Salus populi suprema lex esto, friggin' Jayhawkers.


  1. Claire seems to think that recording people telling the truth about her and her campaign is illegal. Truth hurts.

  2. Anybody remember what a recording did to then Senator George Allen? Claire, sweetie, what goes around comes around. Or, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  3. But whatever you do, don't tell the old man.

  4. Oof, I saw that report, Chris. The husband has made money on government programs since Claire went to the Senate. You're right, he might be dangerous if the spigot is turned off.
