Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Actress Alyssa Milano gets called out a lot here and other places for being a typical Hollywood lefty.  But even Hollywood lefties are right once in a while and Milano is absolutely right here.

Alyssa Milano says she will not speak at the next Women's March as long as Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory remain a part of the leadership and refuse to condemn Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism.

Which prompted this shot from Gleen Grennwald

White actress announces boycott of Women's March unless its gets rid of the Palestinian-American woman and African-American woman who founded it, or until they recite from the script she demands.

And this one.

Equating my defense of Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory with a defense of Louis Farrakhan is quite racist and Islamophobic. I'm sure you have reasons you tell yourself why your politics means that you can't possibly be guilty of such things, but you are nonetheless are.

This one too, while we're at it.

You really don't understand even a small amount of the meaning of this discussion, but I love that I made a Trump-supporting MAGA cheerleader defend Alyssa Milano.

Gleen pushes all-in.

I'm accurately describing what took place. If you believe there are any parts of my tweet that are factually inaccurate, you should point them out. "Mis-framing" just means: "he's pointing out facts I wish remained invisible because they undermine my political agenda."

Whatever you say, Gleen.  You defended three non-white anti-Semites.  We get it.

1 comment:

  1. The "Women's March" has never spoken for this woman. It's actually slightly encouraging for an entertainment personality to notice the Jew-hating endemic to the group.
