Thursday, November 8, 2018


The next American Civil War is coming.  The only question left is when.


  1. Funny how it's always the Democrats who start the shooting.

  2. I watched that video repeatedly. Acosta is a loudmouthed boor. He kept talking over the president. The aide was directed to take the mic and hand it to another questioner. That's how it's done at these events. Acosta brushed her off, rather, he pushed her off. And NBC claims it was she who was at fault? Are these people nuts? The answer is, they've been nuts for a while, and it's getting worse.

    Following the Acosta bit, a woman from NPR (I think) openly called Trump a white supremacist. According to these people, it's okay to insult the elected president to his face in news conferences.

    I expect the new House leadership to be unable, or unwilling, to restrain the crazies in the caucus, and they'll do something outrageous, shooting themselves in the foot just as the Senate Dems did.

  3. Good. I cannot wait to watch them soil themselves.

  4. I think God did us a favor by letting the Democrats take the House. They will get so out of control that they will disgust the American Public and then in 2020 get their heads handed to them. It will be very interesting to see what sort of charges they will use when they impeach President Trump. Will it be having two scoops of ice cream when everyone else got one? I have a feeling that whatever they pull out of their hindquarters will be so vacuous as to be laughable but they will use it anyway. I can see from this video that one may be having Trump's attack dog aide assault Jim Acosta.

    As much as I don't like it I believe we will have to have a shooting war to settle the problem between the elite aristocratic wannabes and the real American people.
