Friday, November 30, 2018


The only time in my life that I ever got SERIOUSLY drunk happened years and years and years ago. I had just finished a church softball game and, as usually happens during or after Episcopalians do pretty much anything social, my team hit the beer hard after the game.

At least I did, anyway.  Our team's coach, a really good guy, kept handing them to me and I kept drinking them.  I drove myself home, which was a sin by itself, and why I didn't get pulled over and slapped with a DUI, God only knows.

My mom knew I was plastered. 

And that would have been that except for the fact that the next day, I was scheduled to take a civil service exam to get a job with the Postal Service.

And I was SERIOUSLY hung over.

I think that was the only time in my life that I actually kind of impressed my dad.  He suggested a few things to deal with it.  Long story short, I took the test and, of course, didn't get the job.

Which still irritates me.

Gavin Clarkson, a recent candidate for New Mexico secretary of state, experienced a one-of-our-50-states-is-missing moment earlier this month when applying for a marriage license in the nation's capital.

Clarkson, who lives in Las Cruces, and his then-fiancée visited the District of Columbia Courts Marriage Bureau on Nov. 20 to apply for a marriage license.

But, once there, the couple encountered a small problem, Clarkson said. The clerk wouldn't accept Clarkson's driver's license – from New Mexico – as proof of his identity. Rather, the clerk, who mistakenly believed Clarkson was a foreign citizen, said he would have to provide an international passport to get the marriage license.

After Clarkson objected, the clerk went to check with a supervisor, who confirmed Clarkson would need a passport.

"You know you are from flyover country when you are applying for a marriage license, give them your New Mexico driver's license, and they come back and say: 'My supervisor says we cannot accept international driver's licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?'" Clarkson posted on Facebook recently.


  1. When the Olympics were in Atlanta and the vicinity, people calling in from New Mexico to buy tickets were told Americans had first dibs. People in the eastern US often have no idea what's west of the Mississippi, if their imaginations even get that far.

  2. The irony is that DC residents often run into the same problem with their District of Columbia driver's licenses. Many people think it's a foreign country.

  3. Deacon Nicholas, many Americans wish DC were a foreign country.

  4. Chris,

    Your storied hangover made me recall one of mine. While still in high school, I got roaring drunk. The kind of drunk that led to fertilizing a bush outside the dance hall.

    The next morning my Mom made me get out of bed & go mow the lawn. I am now going on 74 & can still remember the misery of just standing there & staring at a lawnmower roaring at full throttle.

    I never got that drunk again.

  5. Same here, ur. It's one of the reasons I gave up public drinking. But I still can't get over the fact that my mom and dad actually seemed genuinely amused by it.

    Oh well.
