Thursday, November 29, 2018


It astonishes me just how much of a professional sports revolution has occurred in my home town in the last several years.  Although this is just a preliminary step, the following is, from all indications, going to happen.  The ownership group is solid, political support in the City of St. Louis seems to be strong, the media here have run story after story about the MLS and quite a few regular people in this area, including me, are genuinely excited about the prospect.

The St. Louis Housing, Urban Development and Zoning committee unanimously passed a resolution in support of an MLS stadium plan in the city on Wednesday.

The vote, which came after a hearing, means the plan will next go before the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, the legislative body for the city. That vote could come as soon as Friday, but a report from local outlet KMOX indicates it could be delayed to raise more support among the aldermen.

The plan is for a privately funded $250 million stadium of approximately 20,000 capacity in St. Louis, to be located west of Union Station in the city.

Contrast that with what would happen if the NFL's Los Angeles Chargers decided that they didn't want to be Stan Kroenke's bitches and started nosing around here wondering what St. Louis would be willing to do for them.

Well, we'd tell them, we still have the dome which isn't that old.  We'll get it ready for you, make what improvements we can in it and you can play there for at least the next fifty years.  If you don't like that, all we can suggest is to return to San Diego and beg their forgiveness.

The NFL killed this market.

UPDATE: It's pretty close to a done deal.

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