Thursday, January 10, 2019


Gav preps Callee for independence.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is picking up right where Jerry Brown left off. Driving California off the cliff. In his inaugural address yesterday, he announced that California will provide sanctuary and healthcare for all…those here illegally that is.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced sweeping proposals to tackle the state’s healthcare needs shortly after taking office on Monday, outlining a dramatic Medi-Cal expansion that would cover young immigrant adults who are in the U.S. illegally, require that all consumers in the state carry health insurance and increase subsidies for middle-class families to help those who need it.

So the United States should start planning for the establishment of camps to house Californians fleeing their new socialist state's tyranny.  Got it.  Oh, and while we're at it, this country might want to scout locations for all the Callee businesses that will be relocating to this country.

California's business environment has gone from bad to worse, with thousands of businesses pulling up stakes and moving elsewhere. But don't take our word for it. Just ask the 1,800 companies that either relocated or "disinvested" in the formerly Golden State in 2016.

A new report from business-relocation expert Joe Vranich says that the business climate has gotten so bad that, for the first time ever, he is actively telling clients "to leave the business-hostile state because its business climate continues to worsen."

Can't wait.


  1. My left-wing brother, whom I love, lives in LA. We have, by mutual agreement, not been talking politics in the last 2-3 years. But if he ever brings it up, I'll point out that while he wasn't looking, his state has become Mississippi as it used to be, and worse -- highest poverty rate in the nation. As more people leave, Venezuela status looms.

  2. This doesn't even touch on another of California's biggest problems: homelessness. San Diego has the 4th largest homeless population in the US. San Francisco is losing millions in tourist and convention money, because of the filthy sidewalks covered in human excrement and drug paraphernalia. Los Angeles now leads the nation in "chronic" homelessness. The employers that have been driven out of business or forced to move elsewhere, didn't take their employees with them. The middle class can't afford to live in CA anymore.

  3. Plus, the typhus in downtown LA from the homeless population.
