Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Last evening, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP delivered an address on the Mexican border situation.  Since I already knew what he was going to say, I didn't waste my time watching it.  Since I already knew what they were going to say, I also didn't see the Democrat response from Chuckie Baby and Nanner McBotox (that's Chuckie on the left).

Anyway, I figured that picture cried out for a caption contest.  So here goes.  Put your entries, as many as you want, in the comments.  I can't guarantee that you'll actually win anything other than my approval but if I particularly like something, I may be able to arrange some kind of actual prize or other (employees of MidConJo Enterprises and their families are not eligible).

I'll get you started.

Ruth, that funeral director did a wonderful job with your parents.

Son, this flag obsession of yours has got to stop.

Seriously, Chris?  You flunked math?

We seem to recall telling you that you were to be home at midnight.

I'll keep this around for a couple of weeks.  Good luck.

UPDATE: Just thought of another one.

American Gothic?  Try American Craptastic.

UPDATE: He doesn't know it yet but @exjon comes in with:

Your father and I aren't angry with you, just ... disappointed.


  1. We really do mean this, Chris. See all the flags?

  2. Botox froze my face, and Chuck is really mad about it!

  3. Why does Pelosi always have that wide-eyed shocked look? Do Botox injections make her eyes bug out?

  4. We're ready for our close-up now, Mr. DeMille.

  5. Hand over the car keys, NOW, Christopher. You're grounded.
