Monday, January 21, 2019


Callee?  Pull the trigger.  Hit the road, you know you want to.  And we Americans might even pop out for a visit now and then so that we can point and laugh at your public toilet of a "country."

California’s legislature has a new style.

Ever seen a doll naked? Well, from now on, that’s how people look, too. At least it is, according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Hannah-Beth Jackson. The state politician announced Thursday that only “gender neutral” pronouns will be allowed during committee hearings.

So if you’re elected to the Golden State’s senate, suddenly you’ve got the same genitals as a Cabbage Patch Kid.

You doll, you!

Just means that the wall will get a LOT longer.

1 comment:

  1. The use of "they" and "them" in the singular sounds so ignorant, and it's also very confusing. How many people are we talking about? In writing, I can get around this nonsense by making all sentences plural: "All students must bring their own lunches."

    I suggest "it" for the singular.
