Monday, January 21, 2019


I never used to like Tom Boswell as a sportswriter.  I always thought he was kind of a sanctimonious twit.  But he's exactly right here.  The Rams have no business playing in the Super Bowl, the official who didn't throw that flag should never be allowed to referee another game and I guess that I marginally prefer that New England wins another ring.

You can't miss a call that badly which is that huge. If Rams win, they were GIVEN the game by a bad officiating call. It should be first down Saints, run down the score, kick chip shot. Win. Does any sport in replay age still allow a SNAFU that awful to happen for such stakes?

I'm still not watching that crap show, though.  The NFL is dead to me.


  1. It do make you wonder what the sports fixer had on the referee, don't it.

  2. Or how much that ref bet on the game and who he bet it on.

  3. My husband suggests that LA is a larger market than NO, and therefore the NFL wanted them in the big game. I think he's not seriously suggesting deliberate fraud, but this is the second year in a row ...

    I don't think it's politics. However: What could have been two red state teams became two deep blue state teams.

    Probably it's just that they need some new refs and some better rules and fewer of those blasted video reviews.

  4. Just when the NFL was starting to get past Kraperneck and the kneeling nonsense this happens. The last straw?
